The Dormitories and Catering Centre (DCC) is a Mendel University facility according to §22, paragraph 1, letter d) the law about universities number 111/98 Statute-book, in force, statute Mendel University in Brno part II, article 4, letter d) and according to the MENDELU DCC organisation code. The DCC provides accommodation and catering services for the university grove of academe, as well as for groves of academe of other universities and for the public.

The DCC is administered by the managing director. The director holds the balance or can act on behalf of the University about everything as far as all DCC facilities are concerned, within the bounds of the above mentioned rules. The director administrates DCC functioning and is held responsible for it to the Rector (via the Vice-chancellor for University Properties). The economic aspects of DCC functioning are then administered by the Bursar. The managers of dormitories, the catering manager and the headquarters are directly subordinated to the DCC managing director.

Organizational structure

